Lucy's Story

Lucy's Story

Lucy's Story

Lucy just started college at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is in a two year program called BUILD which totally immerses 16 lucky students with various disabilities into the general student body attending Bethel. She lives in the dorm along side her typical peers.

It has now been one month and she LOVES college. She even tried out for the University's dance team and made it. This week is homecoming and she will be performing at pep fest and the football game with her typical dance mates. The program is focused on independent living and job skills.

Lucy has worked really hard to get to this point. Just three years ago, Lucy was fearful of staying home alone. While they do have mentors at Bethel, the students are required to do all things independently including moving about campus and taking medications.

Attending college, just like her older brother has been Lucy's dream. She kept her eye on the prize and accomplished all her requirements to apply. The joy in her face when she received her acceptance letter was incredible!

Other than college, Lucy loves gymnastics and has competed in artistic and rhythmic gymnastics since she was 8 years old. She is Minnesota's Special Olympic rhythmic all around champion for 2019. Lucy has worked a paying job since 2015. She currently works at HyVee supermarket bagging groceries when school is not in session. She is currently employed as and ambassador for a dog treat company through an internship at Bethel.

Lucy's inspiration for her drawing came from the Christian atmosphere on her campus. She use the stain glass motif and the Bethel colors for one drawing. The rainbow inspiration came from a scholarship she received from Ruby's Rainbow. This organization gives scholarships to individuals with Down syndrome pursuing college. Lucy received a ,000 scholarship to help her pursue her dream. Lucy would like to donate any proceeds if picked to be a maximizer. In her words: " Every student with a disability should have this awesome opportunity to attend college!"


Welcome to the JM family, Maximizer Lucy! We all love college! Here's to maximizing together...

15% of the net profit from each sale is Lucy's. 


  • kKflSgVQiLjCJ

    gbKBUVwQxSo on

  • I’m very proud of you Lucy! Keep it up!👏

    Ryan Rapp on

  • Lucy,

    I am so proud of you. You never cease to amaze me. Keep doing what you are doing,

    Tammy Benzow on

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